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Personal things

Hello my lovely fans and friends, some of you may not be aware but at this current time I have temporarily moved back home to Poland.

My father has been diagnosed with Cancer and is currently undergoing treatment and I have moved back home to help and support him and the rest of my family.

A lump was suspiciously found on the side of his head and we had to get it checked out so i took the earliest flight I could to come back to Poland from Berlin to be a supportive factor for this.

id like to thank all my twitter followers and friends on Facebook who have showed support throughout this.

Lady Ewa

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Morning fans

Good Morning fans and friends worldwide Sorry I havent been to active recently I hope to be more active very soon🙂 Follow me at twitter...

Treat Lady Ewa click the link to treat me anyone who does will get a lovely treat from Lady Ewa

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Fabio Graniero
Fabio Graniero
Jun 27, 2019

Im afraid

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